Friday, September 26, 2008


  I have been trudging through the wildest reaches of the internet in search of how to build a text based game using JAVA.  Many sites are blocked due to the fact that they must use the word "game" repeatedly.  I did however find one site with very useful information, though I am now struggling to understand some of the sample code it provides.


Here is a link to the site:


Coding I have been looking into:

  • Breezy Swing GUIs- There are alot of really cool things you can do with JAVA GUIs, but they are quite a pain to code.  I ran across a program called Netbeans which as you can see from the link, allows you to create GUIs with a few simple button clicks.  This is a free program that I would compare to Dreamweaver, but rather than HTML it is for JAVA and supports other languages as well.  Although this is not useful in any way due to the fact that we cannot install it on our computers.

  • Constructors-  This word came up a few times and we attempted to figure out what they heck it meant.  I am still attempting to understand what they are. They seem to be used to organize things like locations.  As you can see in this code: 


// Full constructor
 public Location( String title, String description )
  // Assign **title + description**
  m_roomTitle = title;
  m_roomDescription = description;

  // Blank exits
  m_vecExits = new Vector();

This allows you to simplify future code:


 // Create room objects             **Title /    **     **Description  /**
  Location l1 = new Location ("Bottom of the well", "You have reached...


Friday, September 5, 2008

Google’s Shiny Metal

Google Chrome. It’s Google’s ambitious new web browser. With one of Google’s teams of revolutionary thinkers hard at work on their new web browser, Google Chrome promises enough features to keep us happy, but not overcomplicate.

Things I look forward to in Chrome:

1. The plugin system, if implemented well, looks very promising

2. The increased security, by not allowing permission to malicious sites


4. Simplicity

5. Bookmarking system

Friday, August 22, 2008

Doc Blocked
I cannot do anything cool at school because I am blocked from any useful site with good information. For example, my website, and official club at El Diamante, is blocked.
This year's filter = FAIL
Dillon Craig

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Baby Blender Steps

I have now been tracking my book online and been disappointed in the fact that it has been in Bell, California for two days. Bell is approximately three hours away. So I went to sites other than Amazon and Google maps. Blender has an amazing site that looks great and is very functional. They have a wiki, gallery and tutorials. All of which are useful or just cool. I downloaded a few of the video tutorials, which i can burn to a disk to save anyone interested time. The tutorials are very clear and useful, but it is by far the most complicated program I have ever seen. This is definitely a good summer project. For now we wait.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blending It Up

I recently ran across a program called Blender online and quickly became very interested. Blender is a 3D modeling program with incredible capabilities. If you would like to download Blender, you can visit and find the download page. Blender is an open source program that is completely free. A programming language called Python (like a snake) is integrated into Blender and can be used to create things such as physics and Artificial Intelligence(AI), which may be incorporated into a game that one might model using Blender. I ordered a book on Blender online yesterday and hope it will arrive by next week.

My goals for this summer are:
  • Learn the basics of Blender's modeling capabilities and animating capabilities
  • Learn how to incorporate Python into Blender animations, etc.
  • Further advance my modeling and animating capabilities in Blender
  • Learn how games are made using Blender and Python